“櫻花七日”,櫻花生命短暫但燦爛動人,飄落的花瓣好像俏皮的精靈漫天飛舞,雖然曇花一現,但嫵媚嬌豔,更重要的是它經歷短暫的燦爛後隨即凋謝的“壯烈”。“Seven days of cherry”: the life of cherry is short but bright and moving. The falling petals is like the nifty elf flying in the sky. Although it is a flash in the pan, it is beautiful and more important is the heroic of wizening after short glorious.

  Young Sense UP是一家美甲工作室,年輕的感覺就如同櫻花,年輕短暫囙此更要精彩綻放,生命就該如此。在室內空間中植入巨大的櫻花樹,將所有功能佈置在櫻花樹下,人們圍繞著櫻花樹展開活動,營造出一個自然的空間,輕鬆舒適的氛圍。通過空間設計賦予美甲工作室全新的形象,以區別於其它的美甲工作室,並且為客戶帶來了全新的空間體驗和視覺感受。通過櫻花樹契合為客戶提供日式風格的美甲服務,强化了品牌的識別性。我們提出都市客廳的概念,結合自然的空間設計使美甲工作室成為人們聚會、交友的場所,提高了客戶的忠誠度,並且使美甲工作室由提供產品向提供服務的創新改變。

        Young Sense UP is a nail beauty studio. The feeling of young is like the cherry. The time of young is short so it shall be splendid. That is what life should be. A large cherry tree is installed in the room. All the functions are arranged under the cherry tree, and people move around the cherry tree to create a natural environment and a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. Through the space design to give nail beauty studio a new image, different from other nail beauty studio, and for customers to bring a new space experience and visual experience. By strengthening the Japanese cherry tree to provide Japanese-style nail beauty services, and strengthen the brand's recognition. We propose the concept of urban living room, combined with natural space design to nail beauty studio to become a gathering place and make friends, thereby enhancing customer loyalty, from the sale of products to provide services to change innovation.


The studio is located in the fourth floor of the most characteristic women theme street in Hangzhou. There is no way to set a shop sign outside the studio. The space top is made as the cherry. Combined with the light, people can see the bright cherry like the chardonnay. It is the most characteristic sign. 


Outside the elevator is the showcase under the cherry trees. The scene of inside can be faintly saw though the window. All you can see is the cherry when opening the door. The green floor light makes it like enjoying the cherry under the trees. Cherry tree branches into a small house with a reception desk roof, branches from the roof of the skylight into a small house inside. People around the huge cherry trees in the small house inside and outside activities, under the cherry tree nail beauty, conversation, party, as if in the natural world easily.


Cane droplight is combined with the floriculture. The artistic picture of moon on the branch leaps to your eyes. Sunset oblique, space full of lazy, fresh atmosphere, into the night, people in the warm light of the party, the space full of joy atmosphere.


The beauty area is relatively small. The area is divided by the soft gauze shade. Its flexible and changeable gives a sense of stability.


The comfortable and brilliant environment under the cherry trees let people know the truth of life that young shall be wonderful. 

Young sense UP

  “櫻花七日”,櫻花生命短暫但燦爛動人,飄落的花瓣好像俏皮的精靈漫天飛舞,雖然曇花一現,但嫵媚嬌豔,更重要的是它經歷短暫的燦爛後隨即凋謝的“壯烈”。“Seven days of cherry”: the life of cherry is short but bright and moving. The falling petals is like the nifty elf flying in the sky. Although it is a flash in the pan, it is beautiful and more important is the heroic of wizening after short glorious.

  Young Sense UP是一家美甲工作室,年輕的感覺就如同櫻花,年輕短暫囙此更要精彩綻放,生命就該如此。在室內空間中植入巨大的櫻花樹,將所有功能佈置在櫻花樹下,人們圍繞著櫻花樹展開活動,營造出一個自然的空間,輕鬆舒適的氛圍。通過空間設計賦予美甲工作室全新的形象,以區別於其它的美甲工作室,並且為客戶帶來了全新的空間體驗和視覺感受。通過櫻花樹契合為客戶提供日式風格的美甲服務,强化了品牌的識別性。我們提出都市客廳的概念,結合自然的空間設計使美甲工作室成為人們聚會、交友的場所,提高了客戶的忠誠度,並且使美甲工作室由提供產品向提供服務的創新改變。

        Young Sense UP is a nail beauty studio. The feeling of young is like the cherry. The time of young is short so it shall be splendid. That is what life should be. A large cherry tree is installed in the room. All the functions are arranged under the cherry tree, and people move around the cherry tree to create a natural environment and a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. Through the space design to give nail beauty studio a new image, different from other nail beauty studio, and for customers to bring a new space experience and visual experience. By strengthening the Japanese cherry tree to provide Japanese-style nail beauty services, and strengthen the brand's recognition. We propose the concept of urban living room, combined with natural space design to nail beauty studio to become a gathering place and make friends, thereby enhancing customer loyalty, from the sale of products to provide services to change innovation.
